系辦 - 系所師資 | 2022-02-14 | 人氣:5818


陳崇文 副教授
國立成功大學 工業設計系 博士
國立高雄師範大學 視覺設計系 碩士
國立高雄師範大學 美術系 學士
元智大學 資訊傳播系 副教授
元智大學 資訊傳播系 助理教授

01 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). Who wins and who loses in global SDGs rankings? Clarifying the influence of the North-South divide and foreign direct investment on spillover effects. Sustainable Development, 32(3), 2653-2665. [SSCI, Q1-Development Studies]
02 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). Design Pedagogy for Enhancing Peer Learning and Creative Thinking. Design and Culture, 16(2), 131-143. [AHCI, Q1-Art]
03 Chong-Wen Chen (2023). Cross-cultural visual communication at the Wanchin Church in Taiwan. Visual Studies, 38(3-4), 548-556. [AHCI, Q1-Humanities, Multidisciplinary]
04 Chong-Wen Chen (2023). Can smart cities bring happiness to promote sustainable development? Contexts and clues of subjective well-being and urban livability. Developments in the Built Environment, 13, 100108. [SCI, Q1-Engineering, Civil]
05 Chong-Wen Chen (2022). Approaching sustainable development goals: Inspirations from the Arts and Crafts movement to reshape production and consumption patterns. Sustainable Development, 30(6), 1671-1681. [SSCI, Q1-Development Studies]
06 Chong-Wen Chen (2022). From smart cities to a happy and sustainable society: urban happiness as a critical pathway toward sustainability transitions. Local Environment, 27(12), 1536-1545. [SSCI, Q2-Geography]
07 Chong-Wen Chen (2021). Clarifying rebound effects of the circular economy in the context of sustainable cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 66, 102622. [SCI, Q1-Construction & Building Technology]
08 Chong-Wen Chen (2020). Improving Circular Economy Business Models: Opportunities for Business and Innovation. Johnson Matthey Technology Review, 64(1), 48-58. [SCI, Q4-Chemistry, Physical]
09 Chong-Wen Chen (2018). Incorporating artistic thinking into sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 1007-1012. [SCI, Q1-Environmental Sciences]
10 Chong-Wen Chen (2018). Guidance on the Conceptual Design of Sustainable Product-Service Systems. Sustainability, 10(7), 2452-2467. [SCI/SSCI, Q2-Environmental Sciences]
11 Chong-Wen Chen (2018). New Product Styles and Concepts in the Bicultural Context. The Design Journal, 21(6), 771-787. [AHCI, Q1-Art]
12 Chong-Wen Chen (2018). An Innovative Board Game Design Based on Cross-Cultural Communication. Design and Culture, 10(2), 209-217. [AHCI, Q1-Art]
13 Chun-Juei Chou, Chong-Wen Chen, & Chris Conley (2015). An approach to assessing sustainable product-service systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 86, 277-274. [SCI, Q1-Environmental Sciences]
14 Chun-Juei Chou, Chong-Wen Chen, & Chris Conley (2015). Creating Sustainable Value Through Service Offerings. Research-Technology Management, 58(2), 48-55. [SSCI/SCI, Q3-Business]
15 Chun-Juei Chou, Chong-Wen Chen, & Chris Conley (2012). A systematic approach to generate service model for sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 29-30, 173-187. [SCI, Q1-Environmental Sciences]


01 邱于恆、陳崇文(2021)。新生代虛擬網紅類型與觀眾喜好程度之探討:以hololive公司為例。藝術學刊,131),223-260
02 楊舒凱、陳崇文(2019),將互動元素帶入廣告設計-以義美食品海報創作為例。視聽傳播,總第49期,復刊號第7期,55-76頁。


01 Chong-Wen Chen, Pei-Yu Lin (2024, July 4-6). Finding Innovation in Cultural and Creative Products. The 7th International Conference on Social Science and Business, Osaka, Japan.
02 楊雯婷、陳崇文(20231124日)。日曆書的研究現況。2023創新設計x感性國際學術研討會,國立高雄科技大學,高雄市,台灣。
03 Mei Li, Yi-Jheng Huang, Chong-Wen Chen & Suiang-Shyan Lee (2023, March 22-25). Visualization of Semantic Differential Questionnaire: A Case Study of Sofas and Stylish Products. 2023 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
04 彭志凱、陳崇文(2020522日)。夾娃娃成癮與玩家背景之研究。2020「設計X Reset」國際學術研討會,銘傳大學,線上。
05 Chong-Wen Chen, Pei-Yu Lin (2019, September 5-7). Improving Teamwork Learning In Design Education. International Conference on New Trends in Teaching and Education, Barcelona, Spain.
06 Pei-Yu Lin, Chong-Wen Chen, (2019, September 5-7). Applying QR Tag and Augmented Reality to Differentiated Instruction. International Conference on New Trends in Teaching and Education, Barcelona, Spain.
07 Chong-Wen Chen, Yi-Jheng Huang (2019, February 23-24). Clarifying barriers to sustainable development: the context of unsustainable behavior. 2nd International Conference on Economic Development and Growth, Economic Policy and Rural Development, Tokyo, Japan.
08 楊舒凱、陳崇文(20181215日)。互動式廣告海報研究創作。2018數位傳播賽博光廊暨飆心立藝學術研討會,國立臺灣藝術大學,新北市,台灣。
09 陳崇文(2017224日)。將文化元素應用於創新博奕遊戲之設計。2017文創暨應外系聯合國際學術研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,高雄市,台灣。
10 Chun-Juei Chou, Chong-Wen Chen (2013, January 10-14). Relating design methodologies to sustainable thinking in the education of Industrial Design. The 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities (HICAH 2013), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
11 Chun-Juei Chou, Chong-Wen Chen (2011, May 22-27). Applying design methodology to solve problems of dog droppings. International Conference on Planning and Design, 2011, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
12 陳崇文、洪明宏(200992930日)。中國象棋象徵符號之研究創作。開創華文設計新視域,2009國際設計教育研討會,東方設計學院,高雄縣,台灣。


01 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “SDGs Messages Trilogy” (poster series). Platinum Award, Graphis Design Awards 2025(美國Graphis設計年鑑2025最高榮譽白金獎)。
02 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “For Lives & Children” (poster). Gold Award, Graphis Poster Awards 2025(美國Graphis海報年鑑2025金獎)。
03 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “Design for Tomorrow” (poster). Gold Award, Graphis Poster Awards 2025(美國Graphis海報年鑑2025金獎)。
04 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “Global Commitments” (poster). Gold Award, Graphis Poster Awards 2025(美國Graphis海報年鑑2025金獎)。
05 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “Final Footprint” (poster). Silver Award, Graphis Poster Awards 2025(美國Graphis海報年鑑2025銀獎)。
06 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “Design for Tomorrow” (poster). Award of Excellence, 14th International Creative Media Award(德國第14屆國際創意媒體獎傑出獎)。
07 Chong-Wen Chen (2024). “Global Commitments” (poster). Award of Excellence, 14th International Creative Media Award(德國第14屆國際創意媒體獎傑出獎)。
08 陳崇文(2023)。國立高雄科技大學111年度第二學期教學創新佳作獎
09 陳崇文(2016)。科技部105年度大專學生研究計畫指導獎章
10 Ko-Lan Lin, Chong-Wen Chen (2009). “B&W” (3D animated short film). Film Selected, 25th International Short Film Festival Berlin(第25屆柏林國際短片影展入選)
11 陳崇文(2009)。「鳥獸蟲魚」海報設計。國際華文設計海報競賽入選
12 陳崇文(2007)。「原之美」海報設計。全國學生台灣原住民海報創作競賽銅獎


01 陳崇文、林可藍(2011)。遊戲棋組,新式樣專利 D139683號。
02 陳崇文、林可藍(2010)。遊戲棋組,新型專利 M380819號。


01 計畫主持人,拓展文創商品設計的創意維度:文化元素分析架構及其應用(I)NSTC 112-2410-H-992-041
02 計畫主持人,翻轉教學結合遊戲化策略對提升自主學習力之研究(I)NSTC 110-2410-H-992-046
03 計畫主持人,隱性遊戲化對提升設計教育成效之探討:以基礎理論課程為例,MOST 109-2410-H-155-006
04 共同主持人,結合隱私QR識別標記之擴增實境差異化顯示技術,MOST 108-2221-E-155-025
05 共同主持人,電腦輔助造形產品設計-從基礎幾何技術、產品資料庫建立到3D模型智慧合成,MOST 107-2218-E-155-008-MY3


01 楊雯婷2024。影響臺灣群眾募資成效之要素分析:以日曆為例。國立高雄科技大學文化創意產業研究所碩士論文。
02 邱于恆2021。新生代虛擬網紅內容呈現及角色設計對人氣之影響。元智大學資訊傳播研究所碩士論文。
03 彭志凱2020。娃娃機玩家沉浸體驗之研究。元智大學資訊傳播研究所碩士論文。
04 楊舒凱2018。「動態視力」:互動廣告海報研究創作。元智大學資訊傳播研究所碩士論文。
05 林皙潔2016。將美感經驗導入數學教科書設計-以國小幾何學為例。成果獲科技部105年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎,MOST 105-2815-C-155-002-H



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